These letters got happy feet!

Exploring how to capture the multifaceted nature of creativity through a music technology brand

Illustration by Aytaç Ozturk

Since the dawn of humankind, music has served as a unifying force, bringing communities together. It fosters a shared culture both within and around communities, becoming a valued commonality among people. While music is undoubtedly a communal experience, it also holds a deep-rooted individual significance. The same sounds can evoke vastly different emotions in different individuals. Conversely, creating music is a highly personal endeavor.Recent research has revealed that both listening to and playing music can be therapeutic experiences for individuals. Rather than solely being a means to attain fame and wealth, playing music can also be integrated into one’s everyday life as a tool for personal expression.

Deplike, a cutting-edge music brand, specializes in developing innovative sound technologies. They embarked on their sonic journey by digitizing guitar effect pedals, making signal processing more accessible to aspiring musicians. After establishing itself as a guitar fx application, Deplike recognized the need to expand its capabilities and reach its full potential. It was at this point that Monroe entered the picture. Collaborating with Deplike to redefine their brand identity, Monroe discovered that Deplike’s technology had the power to not only assist individuals aspiring to become musicians or achieve specific goals but also benefit those seeking the individualistic experience of playing music. This realization led to one conclusion: Deplike had the potential to democratize creativity through music.

From that moment, it became evident that Deplike’s brand positioning should reflect its democratizing technology and resonate with the right audience. Instead of positioning Deplike solely as a technology brand that empowers professionals to take control of their music, Monroe envisioned Deplike as a modern music brand that is highly practical for beginners embarking on their musical journey. This decision aligned with Deplike’s signal processing technology and its democratizing mission, which allows new musicians to learn through deductive teaching methods.

Collaborating with Deplike to redefine their brand identity, Monroe discovered that Deplike’s technology had the power to not only assist individuals aspiring to become musicians or achieve specific goals but also benefit those seeking the individualistic experience of playing music.

Deplike’s democratizing effect played a significant role in shaping its brand strategy. We recognized this as an opportunity to create a visual identity that embodies this promise. One of the most distinctive features of Deplike’s brand identity is the custom font family designed by Monroe. Deplike’s visual identity revolves around a unique and dynamic variable font. Reflecting the multifaceted nature of creative expression, each character within this font moves along multiple axes in various directions. The Deplike Display font encompasses six different styles that harmonize with each other, creating a cohesive identity. The brand logo exemplifies this dynamic typography, with each letter showcasing a different movement of the variable font. This dynamic font allows Deplike’s brand identity to interact with its core essence—music. These fonts are further utilized across Deplike’s visual communication materials.

At Monroe, we believe that brand strategy and visual identity go hand in hand, complementing each other. That’s why we prioritize understanding the brand’s purpose as the initial step in our branding process. Monroe helps clients discover their true brand purpose and potential through thorough research, analysis, and creative thinking.

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