Brand Strategy
Logo Design
Brand Identity
Brand Book
Font Design
Client: Deplike
Creative Director: Onur Gökalp
Managing Director: Hatice Çağlar
Project Director: Oğul Girgin
Copywriter & Strategist: Nur Yıldırım
Lead Designer: Emirhan Akyüz
Font Design & Development: Hardal Studio
Graphic Designer: Naci Mert
Motion Designer: Seyfi Ünlü
Marketing Awards 2023 – Typograpy Design
Deplike is a new generation music brand that develops innovative sound technologies. They started their sonic journey by digitalizing guitar effect pedals, making signal processing much more accessible for aspiring musicians. Following a few years as a guitar fx application, Deplike decided to expand their capabilities and realize their full potential – and that’s when we got the call.
Together we discovered the greater purpose of their work: to democratize creativity through music. With a new strategy rooted in this powerfully simple mission, we developed a brand identity that reflects both the excitement of creativity and the confidence of a technology provider.
Deplike’s new visual identity system is centered around a custom, kinetic variable font. Echoing the multi-faceted nature of creative expression, all characters within this font move along multiple axes in many directions. The brand logo is a champion of this dynamic typography as each letter showcases a different way the variable font moves. This dynamic font lets Deplike’s brand identity to interact with what they do best, music.